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您现在的位置: En_language tips > 新闻英语 > 新闻热词 > Sports hot words Dec 26, 2005

  Injury time: 伤停补时

北京时间6月14日凌晨2时45分,在葡萄牙里斯本光明球场开始的欧洲杯B组首轮第2场比赛中,法国2比1力克英格兰。外电中有这样的报道:Defending champion France surged back in stunning fashion with two goals by Zinedine Zidane during second-half injury time to beat England 2-1 Sunday at the European Championship. injury time就是足球比赛中的伤停补时阶段,齐达内在下半场伤停补时阶段两粒神奇的入球梦幻般逆转了比赛的结果,英格兰未能改写欧洲杯首战从未获胜的历史。

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