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您现在的位置: En_language tips > 新闻英语 > 新闻热词 > Sports hot words Dec 26, 2005

  Electrifying: 惊人的

在18日晚进行的奥运会体操男子个人全能决赛中,中国选手杨威在单杠项目上出现意外失误,与金牌失之交臂。美国名将保罗·哈姆虽然也在跳马上出现失误,但仍凭借后两项的优异表现摘得桂冠。外电有这样的报道:Paul Hamm of Waukesha did just that Wednesday night at the Olympic Indoor Hall. He won a gold medal in the men's all-around gymnastics in electrifying fashion when nobody, including Hamm, thought there was much chance of winning. Electrify的本意是“给(某物)充电,使电气化”,其比喻义“使突然兴奋,使吃惊”是从“犹如以电刺激”的感觉发展而来的。例如:the athlete's electrifying burst of speed(运动员惊人的爆发速度)。在报道中,electrifying fashion表示“惊人的方式”,因为当时包括保罗自己都不敢相信自己真的做到了“置之死地而后生”。

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