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  What is the world's most densely populated country?

Most Crowded Country  
What is the world's most densely populated country? Notes:

Of all the world's countries, the most densely populated is tiny Monaco, a resort destination on the French Riviera, with a population density of 42,000 people per square mile (16,000 per square kilometer). But its total area is only 0.6 square miles (1.9 sq km), smaller than most cities.

The most crowded country larger than a city is Bangladesh, at 2,200 people per square mile (850/sq km). About the size of Wisconsin, this poor agricultural country has a population of more than 125 million that is still growing at more than 2% per year.

Although Bangladesh is blessed by rich soils and a warm climate, the country is periodically devastated by floods, storms, and other natural disasters. Most of the population are farmers, mainly growing rice and jute. In recent years wheat, tea, and cotton have become more important crops.


population density:人口密度


be blessed by / with…: 有幸得到……

natural disasters:自然灾害


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