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Rotunda: 圆形大厅


6月5日,参加2005年联合国世界环境日纪念活动的与会代表在美国旧金山共同签署了《绿色城市宣言》和《城市环境协定》。据悉,今年世界环境日的纪念活动首次在美国举行,主题是“营造绿色城市,呵护地球家园”。外电报道如下:Big city mayors from around the world signed a series of pacts on Sunday to improve the conditions of urban centers, capping a five-day U.N. World Environment conference in San Francisco, the city where the United Nations was founded in 1945.

The signing ceremony on World Environment Day in the ornate rotunda at City Hall committed more than 50 of the world's largest cities to "build an ecologically sustainable, economically dynamic, and socially equitable future for our urban citizens," organizers said.

The accords call for 21 actions aimed at putting cities on a path to greener, cleaner, healthier environments for their current residents and the estimated 1 million people moving to cities each week.

Rotunda表示“圆形建筑物,圆形大厅,圆角黑体铅字”,例如:The Capitol at Washington has a large rotunda.(华盛顿的国会大厦有一个圆形大厅。)



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