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Kick-start: 起动,发起


6月6日,应朝鲜方面要求。美国和朝鲜代表在纽约再次进行接触,希望能恢复已经中断了将近一年的六方会谈。双方代表上次会晤是在5月13日,美国代表曾敦促朝鲜返回谈判桌。外电报道如下:The United States held another rare bilateral meeting with North Korea, hoping to kick-start stalled six-nation talks on Pyongyang's nuclear arms program, the State Department said.

Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the meeting in New York was held around noon (1600 GMT) and arose out of "procedural contacts." He would not give any further details.

But an official, who asked not to be named, confirmed that the North Koreans had made the request a few days ago to reopen the so-called "New York channel" via Pyongyang's UN mission.

Kick-start在此表示“起动,发起”,作名词相当于kick starter,意为“(摩托车的)脚踏式起动法,(发动机的)起动踏板”。



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