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Forgive: 免除债务


6月7日,美国总统布什在白宫会见了来访的英国首相布莱尔,双方一致表示将合作向非洲贫困国家提供帮助。布什宣布,美国将向非洲提供6.74亿美元的人道主义援助,其中4.14亿美元将用于帮助非洲之角国家克服饥荒。外电报道如下:President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Tuesday embraced a tentative plan to forgive the debt of poor African nations "on a path to reform" but failed to come together on Blair's calls to double aid to the troubled continent and tackle global warming.

The leaders expressed confidence that the remaining details of a deal on African debt relief could be worked out among them and with the other countries attending next month's summit of major industrialized nations in Gleneagles, Scotland.

Forgive在此表示“宽免(某人)之债务,赦免”,例如:The kind-hearted landlord lady forgave the poor tenant's rent. (好心的女房东免除了这个可怜房客的租金。)



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