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Rubber bullet: 橡皮子弹

Rubber bullet

6月6日,南美玻利维亚总统卡洛斯·梅萨·希斯韦特宣布将向国会递交辞呈,希望以此平息国内数周以来一直持续不断的大规模反政府示威活动。这已经是梅萨总统今年第二次被迫提出辞职。外电报道如下:Violent street protests choked off Bolivia's crippled capital on Tuesday, as the collapse of President Carlos Mesa's government failed to quell demands by the poor Indian majority for more power from the white elite that has ruled the country for decades.

Riot police firing arcing tear gas canisters sent thousands of demonstrators fleeing down the cobblestoned streets of La Paz's old colonial center.

Miners, who joined protesting Indians, farmers and laborers, responded by blasting dynamite sticks that sent pigeons fluttering. Ambulances sped away with victims and a major public hospital said it receive 12 victims. Most were felled by tear gas and rubber bullets, but the hospital said one miner lost a hand in a dynamite explosion.

Rubber bullet表示“橡皮子弹”,是一种装在短筒防暴枪里的硬橡胶子弹,军事人员和执法官员尤其用它来控制人群。



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