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Straddle: 横跨


墨西哥科利马火山最近几周来活动愈来愈频繁,当地政府担心未来数日内可能出现更猛烈的喷发,强度可达到1913年的那次大爆发。当年科利马火山喷发出的灼热物质一直落到9公里以外,熔岩和石块将附近名为薄荷的小村部分掩埋。目前当地政府已开始对火山附近的居民进行疏散。外电报道如下:The Volcano of Fire has rumbled back to life with its strongest eruptions in 20 years, spewing lava and ash clouds that had some residents who remained in their homes Wednesday casting nervous glances at the peak.

The volcano, which straddles the line between Colima and Jalisco states 430 miles west of Mexico City, has had six spectacular eruptions in the past three weeks.

The largest, late Monday, shot glowing lava three miles above the crater of the 12,533-foot volcano and showered ash over the nearby city of Colima.

Straddle的本义表示“叉腿站或坐、跨、骑;偏落于…旁”,在此表示“横跨(两地边界线)”,例如:straddle a horse(跨骑马);straddle a fence(跨在栅栏上);The shots straddled the target.(炮弹落在目标之侧。)此外,straddle还有“对…骑墙,模棱两可,观望”的比喻义,例如:straddle on the tariff issue(对关税问题持观望态度);straddle a political question(对一政治问题态度模糊)。



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