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Veto: 否决


6月8日,德国、日本、巴西和印度四国联盟向联合国成员国散发了有关安理会扩大的新框架性决议草案,继续要求增加安理会常任理事国,但表示新常任理事国的否决权问题可以等到安理会扩大完成的15年后再予以解决。 外电报道如下:Germany, Japan, Brazil and India on Wednesday dropped the right to a veto for new permanent U.N. Security Council members in their revised draft resolution to expand the 15-member prestigious body.

The four nations, contenders for permanent council seats, want the U.N. General Assembly to adopt a framework resolution as early as this month that would add 10 new members to the council, six permanent members and four nonpermanent ones.

The council currently has five permanent members, which would keep their veto power, and 10 nonpermanent members rotating for two-year terms.

Veto表示“否决;禁止;不同意”,例如:veto a bill(否决一项议案),上文中使用的是veto的名词用法“否认权,否决权,禁止权”。例如:Father put a veto upon our staying out late.(父亲不 许我们在外面逗留太晚。)

据悉,根据《联合国宪章》的有关规定,宪章修正案需至少得到联大三分之二成员国(包括安理会现任5 个常任理事国)立法机构的批准后方能生效。


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