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Somersaulting: 翻滚的


当地时间6月21日下午,以色列南部一列客运列车与一辆运煤卡车相撞,三节车厢出轨,造成七人死亡,近200人受伤。这是以色列有史以来最严重的交通事故之一。 以色列官员强调指出,此次事故是意外,并非恐怖袭击。外电报道如下:A passenger train plowed into a coal truck Tuesday and sent three cars tumbling off the tracks in a sunflower field in southern Israel, killing seven people and injuring nearly 200 in one of Israel's worst train accidents.

The mangled cars were strewn around the field, far from main roads and cities. Dozens of passengers were thrown from the somersaulting cars.

In a country traumatized by mass casualties after four years of Palestinian suicide bombings, officials emphasized that the collision was an accident, not a terror attack.

Somersaulting在此表示“翻滚的”,somersault原指“筋斗,翻筋斗”。例如:He practiced standing on his head and turning somersaults.(他练习倒立和翻筋斗。)



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