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Envoy: 外交使节,特使


7月2日,埃及派往伊拉克的最高外交官哈卜·谢里夫在巴格达遭绑架,目前尚没有组织宣称对此负责。据悉,谢里夫遭绑架当天晚上去买报纸,突然有武装分子乘坐两辆宝马车拦住了他的去路,并绑架了他。外电报道如下:Gunmen seized Egypt's top envoy to Iraq, officials and witnesses said Sunday, in an apparent bid to discourage the country's Arab neighbors from bolstering ties to the embattled U.S.-backed government. Insurgents killed at least three Iraqi policemen and wounded two American soldiers in a series of attacks across the insurgent heartland.

Visiting U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, meanwhile, praised Iraq's commitment to democracy during a surprise visit to the capital. He said Iraq is ready to accept U.S. help in investigating the killing and kidnapping of government officials.

"There are still some high-level crimes, murders and kidnappings that are not being prosecuted. One reason is that the evidence is not available," Gonzales said in an interview on his return trip to Washington.

Envoy表示“外交使节,特使,信使”,多指派驻国外使馆的特命全权公使,仅低于大使。和envoy有关的名词有很多,例如:envoy extraordinary(公使);an Imperial envoy(钦差);a diplomatic envoy(外交使节);a special envoy(特使);an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary(特命全权公使)。



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