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您现在的位置: En_language tips > 新闻英语 > 新闻热词 > Politics hot words Dec 26, 2005
Anonymity: 匿名,无名


7月4日,一名不愿透露姓名的美国国防部官员宣称,美军已经成功解救上周在阿富汗山区失踪的一名特种部队士兵,并把他紧急送往一家德国医院进行身体检查。外电报道如下:A member of an elite American military team missing in Afghan mountains since last week has been rescued, while U.S. forces on Monday pushed on with their search for other members of the group still unaccounted for, U.S. military officials said.

The rescued American serviceman was being rushed to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, a U.S. Defense Department official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of ongoing search and rescue operations.

He declined to say when the rescue occurred or provide other details, including reaction to specific reports that the team consisted of three U.S. Navy Seals.

Anonymity表示“匿名,无名,作者不详”,其形容词形式是anonymous, 表示“无名的;不具名的;匿名的”, 如an anonymous letter(匿名信)。



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