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Margin of error: 误差幅度

Margin of error

7月10日,菲律宾具有很大影响力的天主教会发表声明说,菲律宾目前的政治危机是由很多原因造成的,因此他们不赞同反对派要求总统阿罗约辞职的要求。但根据CNN和《时代周刊》联合展开的最新民调结果,57.5%的受调查者认为阿罗约应该提前结束总统任期。该民调的误差幅度在4.1%以内。外电报道如下:A majority of people surveyed this month say Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo should not complete her presidential term, according to a new CNN/Time poll.

Additionally, the survey found that opposition to the Philippine leader fell and rose along age lines. Of the 600 people surveyed in the poll, conducted by TNS during the past week, 57.5 percent said Arroyo should quit. The poll was taken July 2-5, and had a margin of error of 4.1 percent. TNS is a London-based international polling company.

The results come as Arroyo faces mounting pressure to step down, following allegations of cheating in the 2004 presidential election.

Margin of error表示“误差幅度”,margin在此表示“差数,差额尺度”,如:a margin of 500 votes(五百张选票的差额)。和margin相关的词组还有很多,如:by a comfortable margin(时间充裕地,以较大的多数);by a narrow margin(以微弱多数);operating margin(营业毛利);profit margin(损益帐,利润率,利润边际);reduction margin(减价余地);split margin(利率差幅);without margin(无押金,无定金)等。



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