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Tribunal: 特等法庭


伊拉克特别法庭17日召开新闻发布会,对前总统萨达姆提出第一项指控,称其在统治伊拉克期间犯下屠杀罪行。外电报道如下:The Iraqi Special Tribunal has brought its first charges against Saddam Hussein for alleged crimes during his reign, the tribunal announced Sunday.

The charges were announced by Judge Raed Juhi, chief investigative judge of the tribunal. They are connected with a 1982 series of detentions and executions after an assassination attempt on Saddam in Dujayl.

Charges against five other men were announced in February. The men will not be tried individually.

Tribunal在此表示“特等法庭,裁判所”,此外还有“法官席,审判员席,制裁,公断”之意,例如:the tribunal of public opinion(舆论的公断);a military tribunal(军事法庭);arbitral tribunal(仲裁法庭);stand before the tribunal of public opinion(受到公众舆论的制裁)等。



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