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Erode: 腐蚀;使减少、减弱


7月19日的暗杀事件阻碍了伊拉克宪法出台的进程,逊尼派制宪代表遂于20日宣布暂停参加宪法起草工作,伊拉克宪法起草委员会副主席、逊尼派代表领袖阿德南·贾纳比指出伊政府、国民议会和联合国应对逊尼派成员被杀事件负责。但伊拉克宪法起草委员会仍表示,他们将按时在8月15日之间完成并提交宪法。外电的报道如下;Framers of Iraq's new constitution said Wednesday they will meet an August deadline despite a move by Sunni Arabs to suspend work after the killings of two colleagues. Some Shiites are pushing a proposal that could erode women's rights.

Vast gulfs remain among the positions of Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni members on key issues, including Iraq's identity as an Arab nation, the role of Islam and federalism, some committee members said privately.

Erode的意思是“腐蚀;逐渐消蚀掉;使……减少、减弱或消失”,例如:The sea erodes the rocks.(海水侵蚀岩石。)Long enduring peace often erodes popular resolution.(长期的和平常会腐蚀大众的信心。)



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