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Jetliner: 喷气式客机


当地时间8月2日下午,一架法国航空公司的空客A-340飞机在加拿大多伦多国际机场降落的时候滑出跑道,随后爆炸起火。万幸的是,机上的309名乘客和机组人员全部生还,只有20多人受轻伤。外电报道如下:An Air France jetliner attempting to land at Toronto's Pearson International Airport overran a runway, smashed into a gully and burst into flames Tuesday afternoon.

All 297 passengers and 12 crew members survived the crash, Canadian authorities and the airline said.

Hospitals treated 24 people for minor injuries, said Steve Shaw, chairman of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority.




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