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Recess: 休会;暂时中断


正当第四轮六方会谈已进入确定共同文件内容的关键时刻,美国代表团团长希尔却一改连日来的“友好”态度,警告说如果会谈没有进展,则“没有理由继续呆在这里”。希尔此言用意何在?外电报道如下:Delegates from six nations attending North Korean nuclear disarmament talks were preparing on Wednesday to submit final comments on a draft of principles meant to move the stalled negotiations forward.

But on Tuesday, the main U.S. envoy to the talks, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, said it was possible that the latest round of talks would end without any agreement.

"Whether we have a draft that everyone agrees on, or whether it's decided that there should be a recess of some kind, we don't know yet," Hill said, adding that negotiators were "close to the end of this round" after eight days of talks.

Recess表示“休息;休假;休会;暂时中断”,例如:an hour's recess at noon(一小时午间休息)。此外,recess还有“壁凹,幽深处”的含义,如:in the inmost recesses of his thoughts(在他思想的最深处);a recess in a coastline(海岸线的凹进处)。

据专家分析,希尔这着棋以近似亮出底牌的方式,一来可以逼迫朝鲜就范,打破僵局;二来可以提高谈判的要价,为自己争取更好的谈判地位。 朝鲜外相白南舜日前已表示,如果朝鲜半岛核问题得到圆满解决,朝鲜将重新加入《不扩散核武器条约》,并将接受国际原子能机构的核查。


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