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Remand: 还押,押候


8月8日,4名“7·21”伦敦未遂爆炸案嫌疑人在伦敦东城初级刑事法庭受审,其中3人是涉嫌直接参与制造伦敦系列爆炸案的主犯,并被正式诉以未遂谋杀罪。据警方消息,如果其中任何一项罪名成立,3名主犯都会被判处终身监禁。外电报道如下:Three alleged would-be bombers were ordered held in custody Monday amidst massive security over failed attacks on the London transport system of July 21.

Ibrahim Muktar Said, 27, of Stoke Newington, north London, Ramzi Mohamed, 23, of North Kensington, west London, and Yassin Omar, 24, of New Southgate, north London, appeared at Bow Street Magistrates Court sitting at Belmarsh, south-east London.

They were remanded to November 14 at London's Central Criminal Court, the Old Bailey.

Armed officers stood guard near the entrance to the court alongside London's Belmarsh high-security prison as the men appeared. A helicopter hovered overhead.

Remand在法律意义上表示“将…还押候审”,即将案件发回至下级法院,例如:detention on remand(在押,被还押);remand home([英]青少年拘留所)。此外还有“归还;遣回;召回”的含义。


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