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Touch down: 着陆,降落

Touch down

美国西部时间8月9日凌晨5点12分,“发现号”航天飞机划过加州莫哈韦沙漠的夜空,安全降落在爱德华兹空军基地。“发现号”机组七勇士走下航天飞机,迎着明媚的晨曦举行凯旋的完美谢幕。外电报道如下:The space shuttle Discovery touched down Tuesday morning, completing NASA's first shuttle mission since Columbia broke apart during re-entry in February 2003.

The shuttle landed at 5:11 a.m. PT at NASA's secondary landing site at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

As commander Eileen Collins brought the orbiter to a stop on runway 22, NASA spokesman James Hartsfield stated, "Discovery is home."

"Congratulations on a truly spectacular test flight," mission control radioed the crew. "Welcome home friends."

Touch down表示“(飞机)着陆,降落”,此外还有“底线得分”的意思。


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