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Fatality: 死亡;宿命


8月10日,美军对阿富汗南部塔利班分子比较活跃的代赫-焦本地区的一个村落进行轰炸,造成至少3名无辜平民死亡,另有6人受伤,两所民房被毁,伤亡者中包括妇女、儿童和老人。自阿富汗战争以来,已有上百名阿富汗无辜平民在美军行动中丧生。外电报道如下:Afghan villagers said Thursday that U.S. warplanes had bombed houses, killing several civilians and wounding others, including an infant. U.S. forces suffered their sixth fatality in a week amid rising violence.

Zabul Gov. Ali Khail said U.S.-led coalition forces made "a mistake" during operations against militants in the southern province and that civilians had died. He gave no details.

The U.S. military denied civilians were at the scene of the fighting in Day Chopan district Monday and the district's police chief said Taliban insurgents had been hiding in the area. American officials said earlier that 18 suspected Taliban guerrillas and one U.S. service member had been killed in the clash.

Fatality表示“灾祸;(意外)死亡;宿命”,例如:The explosion accident caused several fatalities.(爆炸事故使数人死亡。)highway fatalities(高速公路死亡事故);The driver was one of the fatalities.(司机是意外死亡者之一。)



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