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您现在的位置: En_language tips > 新闻英语 > 新闻热词 > Politics hot words Dec 26, 2005
bustling: 熙熙攘攘的



Seconds after takeoff, an Indonesian airliner shook violently, veered to the left and slammed into a bustling neighborhood Monday, bursting into flames and killing at least 147 people - many on the ground.

Up to 16 passengers survived the crash, including an 18-month-old shielded by his mother's arms.

The Mandala Airlines plane went down 500 yards from the Medan airport in north Sumatra, shoving aside cars and motorcycles before plowing into a row of houses. Witnesses said some people were on fire as they fled the shattered wreckage.

bustling的本义是"熙熙攘攘的;忙碌的",在上文中的意思是"人口稠密的"。请看例句:A bustling young man led them into the funeral parlour.(一个忙碌的小伙子将他们领进了葬礼接待室。)另外,bustling还有"充满活力的"的含义,如:The house, usually bustling with activity, was strangely silent.(平时总是充满活力的房间里安静得让人感到奇怪。)


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