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trilogy: 三部曲



请看中国日报网站的消息:His literary body of work amounts to 13 million Chinese characters. He was best known for his trilogy "Jiliu" (torrent), which was written between 1931 and 1940, and included three semi-autobiographical novels.

报道中的trilogy指的就是"(戏剧、小说等的)三部曲",也就是三部曲、三部戏或三个文学作品组成的一组,在主题上相互联系。Trilogy源于希腊语trilogia,意思是"三部相关的悲剧构成的一个系列"。例如:He is best know for his trilogy on working life.(他以描写工人阶级生活的三部曲而著名。


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