The tradition of the "Truce" or "Ekecheiria" was established in ancient
Greece in the 9th century BC by the signature of a treaty between three kings.
During the Truce period, the athletes, artists and their families, as well as
ordinary pilgrims, could travel in total safety to participate in or attend the
Olympic Games and return afterwards to their respective countries.
In the past, Olympic Truce helped people and countries avoid wars and
conflicts, and helped people develop exchanges and build friendship.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided to revive this ancient
concept in order to protect the interests of the athletes and sport in general,
for it can still play an important role in today's volatile world.
In 1992, the first initiatives were launched by the IOC, in collaboration
with the United Nations, allowing athletes of the former Republic of Yugoslavia
to participate in the Barcelona Games. In 2000, during the Opening Ceremony of
the Sydney Games, the South and North Korean delegations paraded in the stadium
together under the flag of the Korean peninsula.
In July 2000, the International Olympic Truce Foundation (IOTF) was created
with a view to promoting peace through sport and the Olympic ideal.
The Olympic Truce is symbolised by the dove of peace with the traditional
Olympic flame in the background. In a world that is plagued by wars and
animosity, the peace-dove symbol represents one of the IOC's ideals to build a
peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal.
The Olympic flame has brought warm friendship to all the people of the world
through sharing and global togetherness. In the symbol, the flame is made up of
colourful effervescent elements - reminiscent of festivities experienced in the
celebration of the human spirit. These elements represent people of all races
coming together for the observance of the Truce.