奥巴马出访泰国 与总理英拉“打情骂俏”
Obama gets flirty as he schmoozes with Thai prime minister >>详细
奥巴马笑谈《江南style》 或给妻子跳骑马舞
President Obama talks ‘Gangnam Style’>>详细
米歇尔爱看“唐顿庄园” 致信电视台要提前看
Michelle Obama ’begged ITV bosses’ for Downton Abbey DVDs >>详细
克林顿力挺奥巴马 称其为中产阶级救星
Bill Clinton to hail Barack Obama as saviour of America’s middle class >>详细
奥巴马回应空椅对话 称仍是老戏骨忠实粉丝
Obama still ’a huge Clint Eastwood fan’ after ribbing >>详细
白宫应公众要求 公布奥巴马自酿啤酒秘方
White House divulges Barack Obama’s honey beer recipe >>详细
奥巴马演讲 特工当众小便被拍
Secret service agent is snapped apparently relieving himself behind Obama >>详细
Barack Obama reveals how he swept Michelle off her feet >>详细
Royals go to court over topless Kate photo >>详细
奥巴马卡梅伦G20会面 赌球互赠啤酒
Obama and new British PM bond over beer, football >>详细 |
UK PM David Cameron’s wife gives birth to baby girl >>详细
八国峰会首脑偷闲看欧冠 英首相复仇雪耻
G8 leaders Cameron, Obama and Merkel relax by watching Chelsea victory >>详细
David Cameron told off for queue jumping during trip to coffee shop >>详细
看啥啥输 卡梅伦被骂奥运扫帚星
Is the Prime Minister jinxing our Olympic Medal hopefuls? >>详细
英议员成“微博控” 平均每年花费一千小时
MPs spend 1,000 hours a year tweeting >>详细 |
贝卢斯科尼豪宅藏地下洞穴 似007电影场景
Silvio Berlusconi’s ’James Bond-style’ underground cave >>详细
法国杂志刊登第一女友泳装照 被罚2000欧元
Valérie Trierweiler wins damages from French magazine over bikini pictures >>详细
萨科齐卷入政治献金案 住所遭突击搜查
Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni’s house raided by police >>详细
法国“第一千金”首露面 或为父连任做贡献
First glimpse of France ’First baby’ Giulia Sarkozy >>详细
Carla Bruni: Nicolas Sarkozy’s flower power made me fall in love >>详细
布吕尼赴国宴穿紧身裙 性感倾倒众人
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy arrives at state dinner in figure-hugging dress >>详细
Book lifts lid on Carla Bruni’s lovers >>详细
普京被曝生活奢靡 有58架飞机20座别墅
Vladimir Putin: the Russian president’s ’life of four yachts and 58 aircrafts’ >>详细
普京否认生活奢侈 称都是“国家资产”
Kremlin denounces Putin luxury report >>详细
Indian girls ’should be banned from owning mobiles’ >>详细 |
Japan minister ’suicide’ ahead of affair claim >>详细
美逮捕日本驻美外交官 指其对妻实施家暴
Japanese diplomat charged with domestic abuse in US >>详细
Assad’s mystery woman who ’loves him’ is getting PhD >>详细
梦露或因怀上肯尼迪孩子 被杀手灭口
Did Bobby Kennedy pay for Marilyn Monroe’s killing? >>详细
八国峰会:布什过生日 获赠不倒翁
Embattled Bush makes birthday wish >>详细