BBC Learning English 英语教学

Could you please make a programme on tongue twisters? I think it would be useful for the audience to practise pronunciation. Thank you.

Fei, Macau


In today’s programme, Helen Hu and Feifei Feng bring you some of the most well-known tongue twisters in English.

Tongue twisters are great fun. This is one of the few types of wordplay that exists in every language.

And for language learners, they’re perfect for practising pronunciation and impressing others.

They are also challenging for native speakers too, as you will find out.

Tongue twisters are challenging for many people

We ask English teacher Sarah Morgan about English tongue twisters and tips on how to improve our tongue twisting techniques.

Why not have a go at the tongue twisters in our programme. You can find them by downloading the script.

If you have a question about English, email our team at We may answer it in this programme.

Glossary 词汇

tongue twister 绕口令

wordplay 文字游戏

impress 给人留下深刻的印象

native speakers 英语为母语的当地人

tips 提示,贴士

techniques 技巧

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