BBC Learning English 英语教学

Recently I came cross an article about film critics. It's very interesting. But the phrase 'That said' at the beginning of a sentence in this article annoyed me. What does it actually mean?

Tao Shu, China

This week Li and William answer a useful question about the phrase 'that said'. This is used to highlight a change or contrast in the speaker's attitude towards something. Look at this dialogue:

A: Do you like Madonna?

B: Yes I do. That said, I've never bought any of her albums.

Now look at this dialogue, which you will hear in the programme. What other phrases can you see that have a similar function to 'that said'? Find out if you're right by listening to the programme.

Doctor: Would you say you have a healthy lifestyle?

Patient: Well I don't know. I don't smoke or drink. But on the other hand I don't really get much exercise, so...

When was the last time you weighed yourself?

Doctor: When was the last time you weighed yourself?

Patient: Um, I can't really remember.

Doctor: OK, well according to the chart you're not technically overweight. That said, I don't think it would do any harm to try and get a bit more exercise. Try cycling to work in the morning instead of taking the bus. Or you might think about joining a gym.

Patient: Right.

Doctor: Having said that, don't push yourself too hard to begin with. Do lots of warm-up exercises before you start.

Patient: Ok.

Doctor: How about diet? Do you eat lots of red meat?

Patient: Yeah I do eat meat with most of my meals actually, yeah.

Doctor: Right, well you want to think about that. Try eating fish once a week and perhaps give the bacon sandwiches a miss at lunchtime!

Patient: Yep.

Doctor: Then again, a small amount of red meat can be good for you, since it contains a lot of protein, although it's probably better to grill rather than fry it.

Patient: Ok, so I need to cut down on red meat and get more exercise basically.

Doctor: Yes, that would be my advice. But saying that, you seem to be relatively fit and healthy.

If you have a question for our team, send it to us at and we might answer it on this programme.

Glossary 词汇

contrast 对比

attitude 态度

function 作用

according to 根据

don't push yourself too hard 不要太强迫自己

warm-up exercises 暖身练习

diet 饮食

protein 蛋白

cut down on 减少

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