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Finance: Debt 银行债务术语
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1 : If you are declared bankrupt, __________.

you have no money at all.
you have lots of money.
you have too much money.
you own a bank.

2 : Some banks offer you __________ facility with your bank account. This is a type of short-term loan.

an online banking
a debit card
an overdraft
a savings

3 : When you are __________, you owe a lot of money.

in credit
in debt

4 : Credit card companies will usually ____________ on any purchases and withdrawals made with your card.

charge you double
give you a commission
charge you interest
charge you nothing

5 : When you __________ a loan, you agree to borrow an amount of money and pay it back with added interest.

take out
take in
give out
give into

6 : It is important not to miss any ______________ as it could affect your ability to borrow money in the future.

meetings with your bank manager
opportunities to borrow more money


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