BBC Learning English 英语教学

"I notice that whenever a native speaker of English describes something with an adjective then the contrary adjective would follow, and it will appear in the comparative form. Take 'small' for example: "This car is small for me. I need a bigger one.", "This shirt is small. I can't put it on. I need a larger one." Can't we just say "I need a big/ large one"? Looking forward to your reply."

Lizzy, Shanghai, China

Bigger 是 big 的比较级;larger 是 large 的比较级。怎么判断何时该使用形容词的比较级而不是原形呢?关键看两个要素。第一:有没有参照物;第二:有没有“太怎么样”的词语做前提。另外就是要根据正常的思维逻辑来确定使用什么形容词。比如 Lizzy 列举的第二句话说“这件衬衫太小”,既然太小,当然需要换一件大一些的。

形容词万一使用不当,还会引起误会或不愉快,就像本期节目最后的情景对话所展示的。为什么 Lucy 抱歉?她又是如何纠正自己的“口误”的?听节目录音,看形容词使用之妙处。

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