BBC Learning English 英语教学


Why 'bigger'? 为何用 bigger?



I notice that whenever a native speaker of English describes something with an adjective then the contrary adjective would follow, and it will appear in the comparative form. Take 'small' for example: "This car is small for me. I need a bigger one.", "This shirt is small. I can't put it on. I need a larger one." Can't we just say "I need a big/ large one"? Looking forward to your reply.

Lizzy, Shanghai, China


Bigger 是 big 的比较级;larger 是 large 的比较级。怎么判断何时该使用形容词的比较级而不是原形呢?关键看两个要素。第一:有没有参照物;第二:有没有“太怎么样”的词语做前提。另外就是要根据 正常的思维逻辑来确定使用什么形容词。比如 Lizzy 列举的第二句话说“这件衬衫太小”,既然太小,当然需要换一件大一些的。

形容词万一使用不当,还会引起误会或不愉快,就像本期节目最后的情景对话所展示的。为什么 Lucy 抱歉?她又是如何纠正自己的“口误”的?听节目录音,看形容词使用之妙处。

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Yang Li
大家好,我是杨莉。欢迎收听BBC英语教学节目《你问我答》。每期节目,我们都会回答朋友们发送来的一个问题。上海的 Lizzy 提出了一个和形容词比较级用法相关的问题。请 Alice 带读:

This is Lizzy from Shanghai, China. I notice that whenever a native speaker of English describes something with an adjective then the contrary adjective would follow, and it will appear in the comparative form. Take 'small' for example:

This car is small for me. I need a bigger one.

This shirt is small. I can't put it on. I need a larger one.

Can't we just say 'I need a big/large one'? Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,


Yang Li
谢谢 Lizzy。这个问题很有意思。这是外国人学英语时经常会犯的一个错误,而且往往说错了还意识不到。本期节目我们就一起来把这个问题掰开揉碎地看一看,推敲一下Lizzy 列举两个句子里为什么要使用bigger 和larger.

第一句:“This car is small for me. 这个车对我来说小。”。设定了前提,小怎么办?必然是需要一个大一点的 – “I need a bigger one.”。这里的 bigger 其实相对的是 too small,这样理解的话,这个话完整的说应该是:

This car is too small for me. I need a bigger one.

Yang Li
如果把这句话里的形容词比较级换成原形 big 那听上去就是:

This car is small for me. I need a big one.

Yang Li
这句话的意思是“这辆车小,我需要一辆大车。”。但“大车”到底是什么概念?是五人座还是七人座,还是更大的车,也许讲话的人自己知道他所说的大车是什么车,但是别人并不清楚。可是如果说 a bigger car,就有一个明确的参照物,相对太小的这辆车而言更大一点的车。

第二句话也是同一个道理“This shirt is too small,I can't put it on. 这件衬衣太小,我穿不上。”。注意,我给原句加上了一个表示程度的副词 too 表示“太小”的“太”。这是因为一般情况下英国人都会这么说 –“This shirt is too small, I can't put it on.”这件衬衣太小怎么办?当然是换一件大一些的。所以后半句就是“I need a larger one.”。这和第一个例句的思维逻辑是一样的。设想你到商店去买衣服,你跟售货员说我要一件大的,人家必然得问你,多大才合适,是大号,还是特大号?那你就会指着手里拿着的这件衣服说“I want a bigger one than the one I have just tried on. 比我刚试的这件再大一些的。”。这就是暗含的比较,是有参照物的比较,所以要使用形容词的比较级 larger。我们再把这句话完整听一遍:

This shirt is too small. I can't put it on. I need a larger one.

Yang Li
所以在决定是不是需要用形容词的比较级时要考虑两点:有没有参照物;是不是跟在“太”怎么样这个副词的后面。下面我们做一个练习。设想你去商店买自行车,手里只有五百块钱。那么任何超过五百元的车子对你来说都是太贵了。这个“太贵”怎么表达? 接着,你会怎样去跟服务员询问?请听对话:

A: Hi, this is our latest model with 8 gears.
B: How much is it?
A: 800 yuan.
B: Oh, that's too expensive for me. Do you have anything cheaper, below 500 yuan?
A: Yes we do. How about this one? It is quite popular with young people of your age. It's   only 200.
A: Well, I do want something cheaper but not that cheap, it looks like it's for kids.
B: I'm sorry, let me find you another one.

Yang Li
我前面说了如果该用比较级的时候,你却用了形容词的原形,很可能造成讲话失误或引起对方不愉快,使用得当会让对方感到愉悦。请听下面的对话:看你能不能听出来为什么 Lucy 道歉,并纠正了自己?  

Simon: So do you cycle to work?
Lucy: Yes, it's much cheaper than taking the Tube.
Simon: It's good exercise too.
Lucy: Do you cycle?
Simon: I used to. I once competed in the London Sky ride and I won the second prize.
Lucy: Wow, I didn't know you were so good at sports when you were young.
Simon: Do you mean I am old now?
Lucy: Sorry Simon. What I meant to say was when you were younger.
Simon: Haha, I'm only joking.

Yang Li
Lucy 说话不小心,用了“when you were young”意思是“在你年轻的时候”含义是 Simon 现在老了;所以当 Simon 反问“我现在老了吗”的时候,Lucy 马上道歉并纠正了自己,她把“young”改成了“younger”,意思是“你更为年轻的时候”,谈话的气氛立刻就不一样啦。


好了,今天就讲到这儿。别忘了有问题随时联系我们,。再次感谢 Lizzy 的问题。也谢谢各位收听,我是杨莉。下次的《你问我答》节目再会。

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