BBC Learning English 英语教学

Music for the masses 为大众上演的音乐会



词汇: music 词汇: 音乐

Are you one of those people who find the world of Western classical music a bit snobbish and inaccessible? The Proms – or the BBC Promenade Concerts to give the world’s largest music festival its full name - might help you change your mind.

For eight weeks every summer, the Royal Albert Hall in London opens its doors to all-comers and puts on a music show that is varied and wide-ranging. Some music lovers want to get as close as possible to the conductor. They are happy to stand up to listen to orchestras and soloists playing symphonies, overtures and concertos by the world’s top composers – all for just £5.

The festival has been going since 1895 and has always tried to be informal and relatively cheap. The Prommers – the classical music groupies who like to stand – typify this relaxed ethos. Before performances, they shout out jokes and every time the lid of the piano is lifted they shout “heavein unison.

One of the highlights of the Proms is the Last Night, which has a worldwide screening. Popular classics are played while the Prommers wave flags and sing along to the catchy tunes. The Last Night is so popular with audiences that a ballot has to be held - several months in advance - so that everyone who wants a ticket has a chance of getting one. But it has been criticised by some for being too British and jingoistic.

In recent years the Proms have grown so that they now include simultaneous screenings in other British cities, lunchtime concerts, talks, children’s Proms, film and rock music, musicals, Indian classical music, and even tunes from the BBC series “Dr Who”. The expanding offer is proving popular with audiences old and new. Perhaps classical music isn’t quite so elitist, after all.


snobbish 势利的,自傲的
inaccessible 难以接触的,难懂的
to change one's mind 改变某人对某事的看法
all-comers 所有来者
wide-ranging 范围广的
a conductor (乐队)指挥
an orchestra 管弦乐队
a soloist 独唱者,独奏者
a symphony 交响乐,交响曲
an overture 序曲,序乐
a concertos 协奏曲
a composer 作曲者,作曲家
a groupie 乐团迷,狂热追随者
to heave 举起
in unison 齐声,一致地
a screening 播放
catchy 琅琅上口的
jingoistic 极端爱国主义的,大国主义的
elitist 精英化的,高级的


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What do some people think of classical music, according to the author?

2. Do the Proms offer a large selection of music?

3. How do the Prommers shout when the piano lid is lifted?

4. Why has the Last Night of the Proms received some negative comments?

5. Why does the author think the widening of the range of the Proms may improve the image of classical music?  

2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. He's a bit __________. He only mixes with people who own smart cars and have lots of money.
jingoistic      snobbish      inaccessible       informal

2. My boss is often criticised __________ being out of touch with the rest of her staff.  
about      over       at        for

3. This box is really heavy. It's going to take two of us to __________ it into the back of the car.  
find      give       heave         open

4. If I hear a __________ tune on the radio I often find it stays in my head for weeks.  
catchy     wide-ranging      screening      relaxed

5. The conference ran smoothly. All the delegates were provided with a __________ translation of the speeches.  
informal       elitist      popular      simultaneous


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What do some people think of classical music, according to the author?
Some people might think it is snobbish and inaccessible.

2. Do the Proms offer a large selection of music?
Yes, they are varied and wide-ranging.

3. How do the Prommers shout when the piano lid is lifted?
They all shout together – in unison.

4. Why has the Last Night of the Proms received some negative comments?
Because some critics think it is too British and jingoistic.

5. Why does the author think the widening of the range of the Proms may have helped to improve the image of classical music?
Because it may make classical music seem less elitist.

2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. He's a bit snobbish. He only mixes with people who own smart cars and have lots of money.

2. My boss is often criticised for being out of touch with the rest of her staff.

3. This box is really heavy. It's going to take two of us to heave it into the back of the car.  

4. If I hear a catchy tune on the radio, I often find it stays in my head for weeks.

5. The conference ran smoothly. All the delegates were provided with a simultaneous translation of the speeches.

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