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Why suitcases rock and fall over – puzzle solved 科学家解开拉杆箱摇摇欲倒的物理谜题



It’s a common experience when dashing for a train while lugging a two-wheeled suitcase, the bag rocks alarmingly from side to side and threatens to overturn.

To explain why this happens, French researchers studied a model suitcase on a treadmill and did some number-crunching. And it turns out, that rather than slowing down, as you might expect, you should actually speed up to tame your unruly suitcase.  

Scientists say, while it’s a fun way to tackle the problem, the study could have applications with other two-wheeled things from trailers to caravans


dashing 猛冲,突然奔跑
lugging 用力拖着
two-wheeled 两轮的
suitcase 行李箱,这里指拉杆箱
rocks 摇晃,摇摆
alarmingly 令人惊慌地,让人担忧地
from side to side 左右、来回地
threatens 预示着、快要发生(不好的事情)
overturn 翻倒
treadmill 跑步机
number-crunching (人或计算机进行的简单而耗时的)数字运算
tame 控制,驾驭
unruly 难控制的,难驾驭的
applications 用途,应用
trailers (卡车后的)挂车
caravans (尤指用汽车拖着走的)旅行房车 



1. What did French researchers do to explain the suitcase puzzle? 

2. What applications could the study have, according to the scientists? 

3. True or false? To control our suitcases, we should speed up rather than slow down. 

4. Which word in the text means ‘to deal with something difficult with determination’?


1. What did French researchers do to explain the suitcase puzzle?
To explain the suitcase puzzle, French researchers studied a model suitcase on a treadmill and did some number-crunching.

2. What applications could the study have, according to the scientists?
The study could have applications with other two-wheeled things from trailers to caravans, according to the scientists.

3. True or false? To control our suitcases, we should speed up rather than slow down.
True. It turns out that rather than slowing down, as we might expect, we should actually speed up to tame our unruly suitcases. 

4. Which word in the text means ‘to deal with something difficult with determination’?

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