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CHINADAILY手机报 2017-07-03 15:50


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1. 驻港部队
PLA Garrison in HKSAR


President Xi Jinping inspected the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Garrison in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) at Shek Kong barracks on Friday.

习近平乘检阅车依次检阅20个方队(review 20 formations)。阅兵场上,3100余名官兵和100多件武器装备(over 100 pieces of military equipment)整齐列阵,接受了检阅。

"Hong Kong's development has always pulled at my heartstrings," President Xi Jinping said on Thursday, after arriving at the Hong Kong International Airport.


一是表达祝福(express best wishes for the HKSAR)。热烈祝贺香港特别行政区成立20年来取得的巨大成就,衷心祝愿香港再创辉煌。

二是体现支持(showcase the support for the HKSAR from the central government)。20年来,中央始终是香港发展的坚强后盾。中央将一如既往支持香港发展经济、改善民生。

三是谋划未来(plan the future)。将与香港各界一道,回顾特别行政区这20年非凡历程(join people from all walks of life in Hong Kong to review the SAR's extraordinary 20-year journey),总结经验,展望未来,确保"一国两制"行稳致远(to ensure the smooth and long-term successful practice of the "one country, two systems" policy)。

习近平表示,期待着亲身感受香港这些年的新变化。相信通过在港的一系列活动,一定会增强我们建设好、发展好香港的信心(through the series of events to be staged in Hong Kong, our determination and confidence in developing and building a better Hong Kong will surely be enhanced)。

29日中午,习近平主席会见了香港特别行政区行政长官梁振英,下午会见了香港特别行政区行政、立法、司法机构负责人(senior figures of the SAR's executive, legislative and judicial bodies)。

7月1日,习近平主席将出席庆祝香港回归祖国20周年大会(celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China)暨香港特别行政区第五届政府就职典礼(the inauguration of the HKSAR's fifth-term government)并视察香港。


一国两制 one country, two systems

港人治港 Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong

高度自治 a high degree of autonomy

香港特区基本法 HKSAR Basic Law

2. AI发展规划
AI development plan


Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang said at the World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin that China will soon release a national plan to boost the development of artificial intelligence through 2030.

29日,2017世界智能大会(World Intelligence Congress)在天津开幕,科技部部长万钢致开幕词。万钢表示,人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)如今已成为科技发展不可忽视的重要力量,国家人工智能发展规划(a national plan to boost the AI development)已编制完成,将对2030年中国人工智能产业(AI industry)完成部署。万钢表示,我国将启动一系列人工智能核心研发项目(launch a series of core AI research and development projects),加快相关人才储备建设和人工智能成果向实际应用转化,鼓励国外人工智能企业在中国建立研发中心(encourage foreign AI companies to set up R&D centers in China),争取在这一前沿技术上取得领先地位(gain a lead in the cutting-edge technology)。

与会的专家和业界代表普遍认为,新一代人工智能(the new generation of AI)正在给人类经济、社会与生活带来颠覆性影响(be a game-changer),人工智能的发展正进入新阶段,呈现出深度学习(deep learning)、跨界融合(cross-border integration)、人机协同(man-machine coordination)、和智能操作(intelligent operation)等特征。


大数据分析 big data analysis

拥抱技术浪潮 embrace the technological wave

无人驾驶车 driverless vehicle

语音识别技术 voice-recognition technology

无现金城市 cashless city

3. 国乒男队
Chinese men's table tennis team


Chinese men's table tennis team decided to withdraw from the Seamaster 2017 ITTF World Platinum Australia Open which will start on July 2. It is an official decision of Chinese Table Tennis Association (CTTA), Xinhua reported.

继国乒男队(Chinese men's table tennis team)数名队员(player)和教练员(coach)上周退出(pull out)2017国际乒联世界巡回赛中国公开赛后,中国乒协以健康为由决定让这支队伍集体退出(collectively withdraw)即将于下周举行的澳大利亚公开赛。中国乒协29日在官网发表声明称:"鉴于目前男队主要运动员连续参赛(compete in consecutive tournaments)带来的疲劳和伤病(fatigue and injuries),男队将不参加国际乒联职业巡回赛澳大利亚公开赛。女队按计划正常参赛(take part in the games as planned)。"

据悉,针对上周3名中国乒乓球选手在中国公开赛上擅自放弃比赛(forfeit their matches)一事的调查仍在继续。本月23日,马龙、樊振东和许昕3位世界顶尖选手退出(fail to turn up for)中国公开赛16强赛。赛前,上述3位选手及其教练秦志戬、马琳在社交媒体账号上发布同样的消息(post identical messages),称因想念前任教练刘国梁,他们"无心恋战(do not feel like playing)"。20日,刘国梁被任命为中国乒协副主席(vice president of the CTTA),不再担任国家乒乓球队总教练一职(chief coach of the Chinese table tennis team)。27日晚,刘国梁通过微博,对近日的国乒弃赛(match boycott)事件作出回应。他表示中国体育改革势在必行(the Chinese sports reform must be enforced),并就弃赛事件向球迷致歉。


大满贯冠军 Grand Slam champion

为国增光 win glory for the nation

违反职业道德 be a breach of professional ethics

有损国家队形象 tarnish the national team's image

4. 网络攻击
cyber attack


Some of the world's largest companies including WPP, Rosneft, Merck and AP Moller-Maersk have confirmed that they have been hit by a large-scale cyber attack that also took critical government and bank infrastructure in Ukraine offline.

据网络安全专家介绍,此次勒索软件攻击(ransomware attack)与上月感染150个国家数十万台计算机的"想哭(WannaCry)"非常相似。研究人员称,此次攻击可能借用了之前"Petya"和"GoldenEye"等勒索软件的恶意代码(malware code)。该勒索病毒通过加密硬盘驱动器和篡改文件(encrypt hard drives and overwrite files),使运行微软旗下Windows系统的电脑瘫痪(ripple computers run Microsoft Corp's Windows),并要求受害者支付300比特币才为电脑解锁。根据blockchain.info所列出的交易公开记录,超过30名受害者已向与此次攻击相关的比特币账户划账(pay into the bitcoin account associated with the attack)。

安全软件制造商(security software maker)卡巴斯基实验室称,俄罗斯和乌克兰受到的影响最大(Russia and Ukraine were most affected),其他被攻击者分布在英国、法国、德国、意大利、波兰和美国等国。安全专家称,预计其影响比想哭要小一些(the impact to be smaller than WannaCry),因为很多电脑在上月WannaCry发动攻击后通过Windows更新打上了补丁(be patched with Windows updates in the wake of WannaCry last month),保护他们免遭通过Eternal Blue代码进行的攻击(protect them against attacks using Eternal Blue code)。但瞻博网络称,此次攻击可能比传统勒索软件的类型更加危险(be more dangerous than traditional strains of ransomware),因为它会造成电脑无法反应(make computers unresponsive),也不能重启。目前,尚无个人或组织声称对最新的网络攻击负责(claim responsibility for the latest attack)。

美国国土安全部(the US Homeland Security Department)称,正在监控此次攻击并与其他国家进行协调。美国安部建议受害者不要支付赎金(advise victims not to pay the extortion),称这么做未必能保证电脑得以恢复(do not guarantee access will be restored)。微软公司发言人称,将继续对该病毒进行调查,并将采取适当措施保护客户(take appropriate action to protect customers)。


软硬件缺陷 hardware and software faults

计算机病毒 computer virus

系统漏洞 system loophole

网络安全事件 internet security incident

网络入侵 cyber intrusion

网络安全法 cyber security law

5. 投硬币祈福
throw coins for good luck


A superstitious elderly passenger delayed a flight in Shanghai after throwing coins at the engine for good luck, a Chinese airline has confirmed.

27日,南航CZ380航班在登机过程中,一位80岁的老太太在穿过停机坪去登机(cross the tarmac to board)时,将一把硬币扔向飞机的一个引擎(toss a handful of coins at one of the engines of the flight)。一名乘客在发现老太太的奇怪举动(a passenger noticed the old woman's bizarre behavior)后,为确保飞行安全(ensure a safe flight),把警察叫到了机场。此后,航空公司的机务人员不得不对该飞机的发动机进行全面检查(conduct a full examination of the plane's engine),导致航班延误了5个小时(the flight was delayed for five hours)。经勘查,机务人员在现场发现了9枚硬币,其中1枚是在发动机内部发现的。

经上海市公安局国际机场分局调查,涉事旅客邱某现年80岁,无精神疾病和违法犯罪记录(be cleared of mental illness and have no criminal record)。据邱某称,抛掷硬币是为祈求平安(flip the coins to pray for safety)。有邻居反映,邱某信佛(Qiu believes in Buddhism)。该航班机长表示,若一枚硬币被吸入飞机发动机的核心部位(a coin was sucked into the core part of the engine),发动机就会震颤、失速(lose speed),甚至在空中停止工作(even stop in the air)。一名民航专家表示,如果硬币在高空中进入发动机,很可能使其损毁。

据了解,向发动机附近抛撒硬币、后续没有造成严重危害的行为,按照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法(the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security)》的规定,属于"扰乱单位秩序",可处治安拘留5-10日、并处500元以下罚款。不过,由于机务人员找到了全部硬币,没有造成更严重的危害,考虑到邱某已经80岁了,且没有故意破坏的主观愿望,可免受处罚(be exempt from punishment)。


公共秩序 public order

宣扬迷信 advocate superstition

行政拘留 administrative detention

法院判决 court order


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