中国日报网 2017-12-26 13:32

Enterprises will be encouraged to participate in the operation of vocational schools and universities in the form of sole proprietorships or joint ventures, and grant more intern vacancies to students to strengthen cooperation with educational institutes, according to a notice released by the State Council.
《意见》明确,建立紧密对接产业链、创新链的学科专业体系(set majors in line with industrial transformation and innovation),大力支持集成电路(integrated circuit)、航空发动机及燃气轮机(aeroplane engine and gas turbine)、网络安全(cyber security)、人工智能(artificial intelligence)等学科专业建设;健全需求导向的人才培养结构调整机制(adjustment mechanism for demand-oriented training programs),强化就业市场对人才供给的有效调节,严格实行专业预警和退出机制(early warning and exit mechanism)。
深化“引企入教”改革,支持引导企业深度参与职业学校、高等学校教育教学改革(play a bigger part in education reform at vocational schools and universities)。支持校企合作开展生产性实习实训,鼓励企业直接接收学生实习实训(students to be trained as interns)。以企业为主体推进协同创新和成果转化,加快基础研究成果向产业技术转化(research results turned into technologies)。
产教融合 integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities
初创企业 startup business
工业转型 industrial transformation
技术创新 technological innovation
“双一流” "Double First-Class" initiative
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)