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Child announcer on London Underground 伦敦地铁站里的儿童安全播报员


Child announcer on London Underground 伦敦地铁站里的儿童安全播报员


和 “安全 safety” 有关的词汇


How are deeper adult voices perceived?


Around a quarter of a million people use Victoria Station in London each weekday. And for the past few months, they've been hearing an unusual voice. Meet the station's newest and youngest safety announcer - nine-year-old Megan. Her proud parents both work at the station.


Megan, safety announcer
Hello, everybody and please listen up. Take care on the escalators. Hold onto the handrail and your luggage.

梅根 安全播报员

Megan's recorded announcement is designed to tackle a serious problem. Around 10 people a day get injured on the underground network.


Mark Evers, Chief Customer Officer
What we have noticed is that when people do injure themselves, it's typically because they're not taking enough care when using stairs and escalators.

马克·埃佛斯 首席客户服务官

At Victoria alone on average, 15 people a month are injured this way. For some passengers at least, Megan's message seems to be getting through.


Passenger, London Underground
I think everyone takes notice when a child says something. And because they don’t… they always mean it!

乘客 伦敦地铁

So what does someone who studies the psychology of the human voice make of this?


Dr Valentina Cartei, Voice Lab, University of Sussex
Research shows that deeper adult voices are perceived by humans as having more authority than higher voices. So a child’s voice wouldn't have that authority. But perhaps it's the shock factor of using a child's voice.

瓦伦蒂纳·卡尔泰博士 声音实验室 英国萨塞克斯大学

It may be just a short-term result from this shock factor. But the station says injuries have dropped by nearly two thirds since Megan's announcements started. 

也许这只是 “震惊因素” 的短期效果。但车站工作人员说,自播放梅根录制的广播通知以来,受伤事件已比原本减少了近三分之二。


safety 安全

take care 当心、小心

handrail 扶手

injuried 受伤

takes notice 注意、在意


The world's first underground railway was opened between Paddington and Farringdon Street in London in 1863 by the Metropolitan Railway.



According to Dr Cartei, research shows that deeper adult voices are perceived by humans as having more authority than higher voices.



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