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Uber's lost property survey 优步发布失物招领调查报告



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注:音频中提到的失物招领报告发布于 2019 年 3 月 5 日。



This week, Uber announced its annual lost-and-found index. It takes the data gathered when customers report a lost item through the app and offers us a snapshot of their most commonly lost and most unusual forgotten items. So phones, cameras, keys, IDs. They're all expectedly amongst the most common.


But after that it gets a bit weirder. Here are just some of the more unique items people have lost over the last 12 months: a photo of a New Year's kiss, two packs of Italian sausages, a fish tank, an Elvis cape with jewels on, a bird, a Harry Potter magic wand, the head of a salmon, an eight-week-old chihuahua, a pack of hair and a hairbrush shaped like a foot.

但除了这些以外,还有更奇怪的物品。下面列举了一些人们在过去的十二个月里遗漏的更独特的物品:一张新年时接吻的照片,两包意大利香肠,一个鱼缸,一件镶有珠宝的 “猫王” 披肩,一只鸟,一根哈利·波特的魔杖,一个鲑鱼头,一只八周大的吉娃娃狗,一包头发和一把脚形状的梳子。

And while you process all of that, the index also shows us when and where their customers are most forgetful. The worst offenders live in east Alabama, New Mexico and Tennessee. Whilst the most common time to lose an item is on a Saturday or Sunday night between 10pm and 1am. And it doesn't stop there. According to Uber, people are most likely to lose watches on a Monday, passports on a Friday and cakes on a Sunday.

你先慢慢消化一下这些信息,这个报告也告诉了我们优步的乘客在何时、何地是最健忘的。生活在阿拉巴马东部、新墨西哥州和田纳西州的人最健忘。人们在星期六和星期天晚 10 点到凌晨 1 点这段时间最容易遗漏东西。而且还不止于此,优步称,人们最容易在星期一遗漏手表,在星期五遗漏护照,在星期日遗漏蛋糕。

1. 词汇

snapshot 简介
expectedly 意料之中地
most common 最常见的,最普遍的
weirder 相比之下更奇怪的
unique 独特的
cape 披肩
chihuahua 吉娃娃狗
worst offenders 最健忘的人

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? Uber's lost and found index involved taking photographs of items people had left behind in its cars.

2. Which 'living' item was listed as being lost in Uber's lost and found index?

3. Where in the US were the most forgetful passengers in Uber cars from?

4. What day are passengers most likely to lose a cake on?

3. 答案

1. True or false? Uber's lost and found index involved taking photographs of items people had left behind in its cars.
False. The index offers us a snapshot – a short description not a photograph - of passengers most commonly lost and most unusual forgotten items.

2. Which 'living' item was listed as being lost in Uber's lost and found index?
One of the weirder 'living' items left behind in an Uber car was a Chihuahua – a small dog!

3. Where in the US were the most forgetful passengers in Uber cars from?
The worst offenders – the people most likely to forget something – lived in east Alabama, New Mexico and Tennessee.

4. What day are passengers most likely to lose a cake on?
According to Uber, people are most likely to lose cakes on a Sunday.




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