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中国日报网 2019-06-11 10:21



A doctor inserts a microchip with a needle beneath a dog's skin on May 16, 2011, in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. [File photo/CFP]


The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and inserted underneath the dog's skin right between the shoulder blades, according to Feng Zengjun, deputy director of Shenzhen Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau. "The chip can migrate on the pet's body and poses no harm to the dogs."


中文里,不同的名词前面使用不用的量词,在英语里也是一样的。这里提到的“一粒米”用的是a grain of rice,其他常见的食品量词,我们再多补充几个:
a scoop of ice cream 一个冰淇淋球 (注意,不可用ball)
a slice of pizza 一块披萨
a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力
a loaf of bread 一个面包
a cube of sugar 一块方糖
a handful of corn 一把玉米
a crate of bananas 一箱香蕉
a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄
a dash of salt 少量盐
a clove of garlic 一瓣蒜

冯增军表示,犬只注射芯片有不少好处,芯片证明了狗的唯一性,名贵犬只走丢,执法人员发现后,一扫就知道基本信息(the basic information of each dog can be scanned),有助于失主快速寻回犬只。同时,芯片也可督促养狗人尽责(remind owners to better discipline their dogs),犬只肇事后也跑不掉。

Shenzhen will also borrow experience from Hong Kong to establish pet corners across the city for dog lovers to communicate with each other.

在为养犬人提供便利服务的同时,城管部门也将严格执法,全面规范养犬行为。“所有的犬只带到户外,必须牵绳(all dogs must be walked on leashes in the open air),同时,也会严格查处犬只造成的环境污染,狗大小便需及时清理(dog droppings must be immediately cleaned)。”


流浪狗 stray dogs

宠物管理 pet management

遛狗员 dog walkers

宠物医院 pet hospital

兽医 veterinary [ˈvetərəneri]

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