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Victoria Falls: Is Zimbabwe drying up? 维多利亚瀑布今非昔比 津巴布韦遇严重干旱



Victoria Falls: Is Zimbabwe drying up? 维多利亚瀑布今非昔比 津巴布韦遇严重干旱


有关 “disasters(灾害)” 的词汇


How many elephants have starved to death in the last two months?


When the Zambezi River is in full flow, you can see why the explorer David Livingstone called it ‘a view for the angels’. But look at the falls now. This is what Southern Africa's prolonged drought means - the volume of water is down by two thirds.

当赞比西河的河道满流时,你就会明白为什么英国探险家戴维·利文斯通称它为 “天使驻足之景”。但看看瀑布现在的样子。这是南部非洲持续干旱的结果——水量减少了三分之二。

Two hours north of Victoria Falls is Hwange National Park—a land dying of thirst. Hwange has the largest concentration of elephants in all of Africa. Drought is a killer. Two hundred elephants have starved to death in the last two months.


Solar pumps stop waterholes drying out but in drought conditions the elephant population here is unsustainable. Beyond the park boundaries, subsistence farmers are also struggling to survive in a land dry as dust.


Prolonged drought is also an urban crisis. Half a million people live in sprawling Mbare in Harare. This place simply isn't equipped to cope with an environmental crisis. They've had no piped water here for months. Cholera and typhoid are a looming threat. And look what happens at sunset. Zimbabwe's power supplies have been crippled by a lack of hydropower. Mbare is enveloped in darkness.


Zimbabweans have endured years of misrule and economic collapse. Drought makes it even harder to see a way out. Zimbabwe's present is grim. Its future could be much worse.



drought 干旱

unsustainable 难以为继的,无法持续的

crisis 危机

crippled 严重受创的

collapse 崩溃


Two hundred elephants have starved to death in the last two months.



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