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三大运营商合推5G消息 传统短信升级

中国日报网 2020-04-09 15:15



A pedestrian walks past a 5G promotion board in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province. [Photo by Su Yang/For China Daily]


Falling under the technical name of rich communication services, or RCS, the 5G messaging service is designed to replace current short messages with a system that is richer, provides phone book polling, and can transmit in-call multimedia.

据介绍,5G消息业务(5G messaging service)是终端原生基础短消息服务的全新升级(an upgrade to the existing standard SMS messaging),依照交互方式大致可分为两类:即个人用户之间(P2P communication),以及企业与个人用户之间的信息交互(B2C reach)。

对于个人用户而言,5G消息将打破传统短信对每条信息的长度限制(no word limits),内容方面也将突破文字局限,实现文字、图片、音频、视频、位置等信息的有效融合(an integration of texts,images, audio, video and location information)。

对于企业而言,5G消息将为其提供与个人用户之间的信息交互接口(interaction between businesses and individuals)。企业可通过文字、语音、选项卡等富媒体方式向用户输出个性化服务与咨询。

With the new messaging service, for instance, consumers don't have to download a variety of mobile apps. They can directly buy train tickets and book flights by sending messages.

此外,5G消息还支持加密传输(encrypted transmission)、图形密码(graphic verification code)等信息交互方式,可提供信息安全保障,保护用户隐私。

简单而言,5G消息是短信和彩信的升级版,可以发送图文、音视频等更加丰富的内容信息;与现有即时通讯类APP的区别是,5G消息以手机号作为用户ID,无需另外安装APP,也无需添加好友或关注企业号码,即可实现消息收发(send and receive messages without friending others or following business accounts)。


The global telecom industry association GSMA has reached a consensus that RCS will become the mandatory function of 5G smartphones.

The three telecom carriers disclosed in March that they would invest about 180 billion yuan on 5G this year. They will also build 550,000 5G base stations this year.


物联网 Internet of Things

5G商用 commercialization of 5G

5G套餐 5G data plans

技术规范 technical specification

网络堵塞 network congestion

数据传输速度 data transmission speed


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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