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中国日报网 2021-01-27 10:56





China and New Zealand on Tuesday signed a protocol on upgrading their 12-year-old free trade agreement (FTA), which is expected to bring more benefits to the businesses and peoples of the two countries.


中国和新西兰在2008年4月签署自贸协定(free trade agreement,FTA),于同年10月正式生效。这是我国签署的第一个涵盖货物贸易(trade in goods)、服务贸易(trade in services)、投资(investment)等诸多领域的双边全面自贸协定,也是中国与发达国家签署的第一个自贸协定(the first FTA between China and a developed country)。

中新自贸协定升级谈判于2016年11月启动,2019年11月宣布完成。2020年11月15日,包括中国和新西兰等15个成员国在内的区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,RCEP)正式签署。此次协定升级让两国经贸关系在RCEP基础上进一步提质增效。



The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce, government procurement, competition policy as well as environment and trade, in addition to improvements on rules of origin, customs procedures and trade facilitation, technical barriers to trade and trade in services.


Upgrade这个词用法很多,可以用作动词、名词,其核心意思都跟“上升”有关,比如:I was upgraded to the first class during the flight(我在飞机上被升到了头等舱),He was upgraded to sales manager(他升职当销售经理了),I have my computer system upgraded(我找人把我的计算机系统升级了),这三个例句中的upgrade分别表达了不同语境下的“提升、升级”;用作名词形式表达这几个句子的意思就是:I got an upgrade to the first class during the flight/His upgrade to sales manager is a good news for the family/Someone helped me with my computer system upgrade。

On the basis of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, China will further expand its opening-up in sectors including aviation, education, finance, elderly care, and passenger transport to New Zealand to boost the trade in services.

The upgraded FTA will see both countries open their markets for certain wood and paper products.

New Zealand will lower its threshold for reviewing Chinese investment, allowing it to receive the same review treatment as members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

It has also doubled the quota for Chinese Mandarin teachers and Chinese tour guides working in the country to 300 and 200, respectively.



自由贸易协定 free trade agreement

营商环境 business environment

投资环境 investment environment

外资准入负面清单 negative lists for foreign investment market access

双边经贸合作 bilateral economic and trade cooperation

贸易投资便利化 trade and investment facilitation


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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