中国日报网 2021-02-03 11:09


The official Sina Weibo account of the Guinness World Records announced on Tuesday that Chinese vlogger Li Ziqi broke the world record for “Most subscribers for a Chinese language channel on YouTube” set by herself with 14.1 million subscribers on Jan 25.
吉尼斯世界纪录官方微博2月2日宣布,1月25日,中国短视频博主@李子柒 以1410万的YouTube订阅量刷新了由她创下的“最多订阅量的YouTube中文频道”的吉尼斯世界纪录称号。
这里的subscriber指视频频道的“订阅用户”,而我们打电话时听到的“the subscriber you dialed is busy now”中subscriber指的是“电信服务用户”,所以,这个词通常表示“付费给某个机构以得到某种定期服务的人”,来自于动词形式subscribe,而“订阅”这个行为或服务就是subscription。不过,在互联网内容大量涌现的今天,很多内容服务都是可以免费订阅的。当然,也有一些提供付费订阅服务的平台。
付费订阅(pay-to-read/paid content)服务一般分为:单次订阅(pay as you read)、周订阅(weekly subscription service)、包月订阅(monthly subscription service)、包年订阅(yearly subscription service)等。

The poetic idyllic life and profound traditional Chinese culture in Li Ziqi's videos have attracted fans from all over the world, with many YouTube fans expressing their admiration under her videos.
The Chinese culture conveyed in her videos is going further abroad.
Li uploaded her first video on YouTube, about how to make a dress using the cloth dyed with color extracted from grape skin, in 2017.
She went viral overseas afterwards with her short videos about cooking Chinese food, making traditional Chinese handicrafts such as embroidery and living an idyllic rural life in China.
“走红”有两个常用的英文表达,一个是go viral,另一个是become a hit。前者表示某件事或者现象就像病毒一样迅速传播开来,所以用viral这个词,它是virus(病毒)的形容词形式;后者当中的hit作名词时本身就有“风行一时的事物”之意。比如:Some apps can quickly go viral and gain millions of users.(有些应用程序会迅速走红并获得数百万的用户。)The song became a massive hit in 1998.(这首歌在1998年风靡大江南北。)
On July 16 last year, she had 11.4 million subscribers on YouTube, breaking the Guinness record at the time.
订阅服务 subscription services
自动续订服务 auto-renewing subscriptions
流媒体服务 streaming services
取消关注 unfollow
直播服务 livestreaming service
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)