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The Gruffalo: Scent kit brings story to life for visually impaired readers 为视障读者带来能 “闻” 的儿童故事

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一家为盲人和弱视者设立的慈善机构英国导盲犬( Guide Dogs UK )制作了一套伴书气味盒,以配合畅销儿童故事书《咕噜牛( The Gruffalo )》。该机构创造了一套鼻腔吸入器,分别代表主人公咕噜牛和它遇到的四个角色:蛇、狐狸、猫头鹰和小老鼠。

The Gruffalo was first published in 1999, but the charity Guide Dogs UK say they've created a world first.


Each character has been given their own smell. They include cupcakes for Mouse, freshly cut grass for Fox, and a leathery barnyard scent for the Gruffalo.


Roger Whalley, whose eight-year-old daughter, Josie, has a visual impairment, was among the first to test the book.


Guide Dogs UK say they hope the book will make reading as inclusive as possible and plan to distribute 150 of the kits as a start.



character 故事角色
smell 气味
leathery 有皮革气味的
barnyard 农家庭院
scent 气味
visual impairment 视力障碍
reading 阅读
inclusive 具有包容性的,兼容并包
distribute 分发


1. True or false? Each character in the book has a scent that is different from the others.

2. When was the book The Gruffalo first published?

3. In the scent kit, what is the smell for Fox?

4. What do the charity Guide Dogs UK want the book to achieve?


1. True or false? Each character in the book has a scent that is different from the others.
True. Each character has been given their own smell.

2. When was the Gruffalo first published?
It was first published in 1999.

3. In the scent kit, what is the smell for Fox?
The smell for Fox is freshly cut grass.

4. What do the charity Guide Dogs UK want the book to achieve?
Guide Dogs UK say they hope the book will make reading more inclusive.




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