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中国日报网 2022-01-07 11:10




1. 空间站机械臂成功转位货运飞船
2. 12月中国制造业PMI升至50.3%
3. 2021年中欧班列开行1.5万列
4. WHO:2022人类将战胜新冠疫情

1. 机械臂
robotic arm

China successfully conducted a transposition test of the Tianzhou-2 cargo craft using its space station's robotic arm Thursday morning.

这是我国首次利用空间站机械臂操作大型在轨飞行器(a large in-orbit spacecraft)进行转位试验(transposition test)。1月6日凌晨,机械臂成功捕获天舟二号货运飞船(the arm secured the robotic cargo craft)。6时12分转位试验开始,天舟二号货运飞船与天和核心舱解锁分离(be unlocked and separated from the space station core module Tianhe)后,在机械臂拖动下以核心舱节点舱球心为圆心进行平面转位(be moved into a predetermined position);而后,反向操作(reversed the maneuvers),直至货运飞船与核心舱重新对接并完成锁紧(re-docked with the core module and completed locking)。

此次试验,初步检验了利用机械臂操作空间站舱段转位的可行性和有效性(the test preliminarily verified the feasibility of using the mechanical arm to conduct a space station module transfer),验证了空间站舱段转位技术和机械臂大负载操控技术,为后续空间站在轨组装建造积累了经验(laid a foundation for the subsequent in-orbit assembly and construction of the country's space station)。

转位试验 transposition test
核心舱 core module
货运飞船 cargo craft
太空实验室 space labs
空间站 space station

2. 制造业PMI
purchasing managers' index (PMI) for manufacturing sector

The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's manufacturing sector came in at 50.3 in December, up from 50.1 in November, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.

采购经理指数(the purchasing managers' index, usually referred to as PMI)是通过对企业采购经理的月度调查结果统计汇总、编制而成的综合指数(composite index),由五个分类指数(sub-index),即新订单(new sales orders)指数、生产(production levels)指数、从业人员(employment)指数、供应商配送时间(supplier deliveries)指数、主要原材料库存(stocks of raw materials)指数加权而成。

该指数是国际上通用的监测宏观经济走势的先行性指数之一,具有较强的预测、预警作用。PMI高于50%时,反映经济总体较上月扩张 (a reading above 50 indicates expansion);低于50%,则反映经济总体较上月收缩(a reading below reflects contraction)。

国家统计局服务业调查中心高级统计师赵庆河称,随着一系列保供稳价(ensure adequate supply, stabilize market prices)和助企纾困(ease the pressure of companies)等稳定经济发展政策力度加大,制造业景气水平得到了回升。

从分类指数来看,主要原材料购进价格指数(sub-index measuring purchase prices of major raw materials)和出厂价格指数(ex-factory price index)分别为48.1%和45.5%,低于上月4.8和3.4个百分点,连续两个月回落(the second consecutive month that the two indices saw a decline)。生产指数(sub-index for production)为51.4%,高于临界点(remain in the expansion area),反映制造业生产继续保持增长(reflect the growth momentum of the manufacturing sector)。国家统计局的数据还显示,12月份,非制造业商务活动指数(purchasing managers' index for non-manufacturing sector)为52.7%,高于上月的52.3%。

国家统计局 the National Bureau of Statistics
中国制造业采购经理指数 PMI for China's manufacturing sector
非制造业商务活动指数 PMI for China's non-manufacturing sector
经济景气指数 Economic Sentiment Index

3. 中欧班列
China-Europe freight train

The number of China-Europe freight train trips surged by 22% year on year to hit 15,000 in 2021, data from China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. showed.

中欧班列是指按照固定车次、线路、班期和全程运行时刻开行,往来于中国与"一带一路"(the Belt and Road initiative)沿线国家、地区的集装箱(containers)国际铁路联运班列。2021年中欧班列发送146万标箱(a total of 1.46 million 20-foot equivalent units of goods)、同比增长29%。中欧班列的稳定运行促进了沿线国家之间的合作(cooperation among countries along the rail routes has been beefed up),为确保国际产业链供应链稳定畅通作出了积极贡献(make positive contributions to the stability of industrial and supply chains worldwide)。

2011年3月,首趟中欧班列从重庆发出开往德国杜伊斯堡,开启了中欧班列创新发展的序章。2016年6月8日,中国铁路正式启用中欧班列统一品牌。截至2021年6月,中欧班列已打通73条运行线路,通达欧洲22个国家的160多个城市。截至2021年11月底,中欧班列历年累计开行47414列,运送货物429.7万标箱(20-foot equivalent units)。10余年来,中欧班列为数万中外企业带来商机(business opportunities),为沿线数亿民众送去实惠,开创了亚欧陆路运输新篇章,铸就了沿线国家互利共赢的桥梁纽带。

"一带一路"伙伴关系 Belt and Road partnership
多边自由贸易体制 multilateral free trade system
全球供应链 global supply chain
货物贸易正增长 positive growth in foreign trade in goods

4. 战胜新冠疫情
defeat the coronavirus pandemic

The World Health Organization chief says he is optimistic that the coronavirus pandemic will be defeated in 2022, provided countries work together to contain its spread.

世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞日前发表新年寄语,他表示,新冠疫情导致边境关闭(shut borders)、家人分离(split families),在某些地方,不戴口罩甚至出不了门。尽管如此,他还是在寄语中表明了积极的态度(sound a positive note in his speech),并指出如今应对和治疗新冠的手段比以前多很多(there are now many more tools to treat Covid-19)。谭德塞称,要警惕"狭隘的民族主义和疫苗囤积(narrow nationalism and vaccine hoarding)"。他警告称,疫苗分配中持续的不平等(continuing inequity in vaccine distribution)将增加病毒变异的风险(increase the risk of the virus evolving)。他补充道:"如果我们终结不平等,我们就能终结这场疫情(If we end inequity, we end the pandemic)。"

谭德塞还提到了疫苗接种率低的问题(low vaccination rates)。尽管欧洲和美洲多数人口至少已接种一剂新冠疫苗(receive at least one dose),但是世卫组织在2021年底前实现各国至少40%的人口完成疫苗接种的目标(a target of full vaccination rates in 40% of every country)在非洲大部分地区都没有达到。谭德塞先前曾批评富裕国家"攫取"全球疫苗供应("gobbling up" the global vaccine supply),促使本国大多数人口完全接种疫苗,而其他一些国家的人口连第一针都还没有打。世卫组织为2022年设立了新目标(set a new goal for 2022):在7月前完成各国70%人口的疫苗接种以终结新冠疫情(end the pandemic)。目前全球新冠肺炎病例总数达到了2.87亿,近550万名患者已经丧生。

新冠疫苗合作国际论坛 international forum on COVID-19 vaccine cooperation
疫苗公平可及 accessibility and fair distribution of vaccines
全球卫生治理体系 global health governance system
抗击新冠肺炎疫情 battle against the COVID-19 epidemic
公共卫生体系 public health system

(编辑:彭娜 许雅宁)

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