每日一词∣国家老龄事业发展the development of national undertakings for the aged
中国日报网 2022-02-24 17:00

国务院日前印发《“十四五”国家老龄事业发展和养老服务体系规划》。《规划》提出, “十四五”时期,全社会积极应对人口老龄化格局初步形成,老年人获得感、幸福感、安全感显著提升。
The State Council issued a guideline to promote the development of national undertakings for the aged and improve the elderly care service system during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), according to a circular released on Feb 21. A pattern for the whole society to deal with the aging population will take shape during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), the circular said, adding that elderly people will further achieve a sense of gain, happiness and security.

Ensuring a happy life for the elderly people in their later years is a vital responsibility of Party committees and governments at all levels. More efforts are needed to develop all-inclusive elderly care services and improve the networks for community-based service centers for elderly home-care.
In the new development stage, China should have a strategic vision and meet people's expectations for a high-quality life, and increase risk awareness to make proper judgments in advance on new development trends such as population aging and changes in labor force structures.
aging population
silver-haired economy
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