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New satellite to monitor solar storms 英国建造新卫星监测太阳风暴

英国的工程师们将领导研制一颗新卫星,以监测太阳向地球释放的能量风暴。 这个项目非常适时,因为就在本月早些时候,我们的星球遭遇到了一次强大的太阳风暴袭击。 这颗新卫星将使预测未来的太阳风暴变得更加容易。

The huge solar storm that hit Earth this month was described as the biggest in two decades. The Sun blasted intense radiation, billions of tonnes of matter and strong magnetic fields at our planet. 


The coloured lights in the sky were spectacular, but the effects could've been much worse. Such storms can interrupt radio communications and even damage power grids, which is why the UK has been pushing its partners in the European Space Agency to build a new satellite to give earlier warnings.


This spacecraft called 'Vigil' has now been ordered from Airbus UK. It'll be sent millions of miles away so it can see the side of the Sun that's about to rotate into view of the Earth. This'll give forecasters a further three to four days' notice of trouble that could be coming our way.

这艘名为 “Vigil(警戒)” 的航天器现已由空中客车英国公司接单制造。它将被送往数百万英里之外,以便能够看到太阳即将旋转面对地球的那一面。这将使天文预报人员能提前三到四天预知可能要发生的麻烦。


solar storm 太阳风暴
blasted (爆炸)发射出
radiation 辐射
matter 物质
magnetic fields 磁场
interrupt 中断、干扰
power grids 电网
spacecraft 航天器
rotate 旋转
forecasters 预报人员


1. True or False? The solar storm was not that big.

2. What did the Sun blast at our planet?  

3. How can solar storms negatively impact us on the Earth?  

4. How will the spacecraft 'Vigil' help us in future solar storms?


1. True or False? The solar storm was not that big.

False. The solar storm was 'huge ' and described as the biggest in two decades.

2. What did the Sun blast at our planet?  

The Sun blasted intense radiation, billions of tonnes of matter and strong  magnetic fields at our planet.

3. How can solar storms negatively impact us on the Earth?  

Solar storms can interrupt radio communications and even damage power grids. 

4. How will the spacecraft 'Vigil' help us in future solar storms?

The space craft 'Vigil' will give forecasters a further three to four days' notice of trouble that could be coming our way.

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