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To wax lyrical 滔滔不绝

To wax lyrical 滔滔不绝

Wax figures of David and Victoria Beckham, Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge and Prime Minister David Cameron wear England supporters’ hats and scarves. Photo: Jonathan Short.

To wax lyrical – 滔滔不绝

如果一个人 wax lyrical 那就是说他开始对某事滔滔不绝地谈起来。类似汉语里我们常说的高谈阔论或滔滔不绝。


Madame Tussauds has been a popular tourist attraction in London for over 200 years and displays a number of waxworks of historical and royal figures, film and sports stars. Each year, the studio makes around 40 to 50 wax figures following the same original process as when the attraction was founded.



Sarah’s been waxing lyrical about her new job, she really loves it.

Don’t get him started about his children – he’ll wax lyrical about them for hours.

Our girls’ night out was so boring because Kerry waxed lyrical about her boyfriend the whole time.


英语动词 boast 意思是吹嘘,吹捧,自大自夸。

John gets on my nerves – he was boasting about his new car all day.