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Between a rock and a hard place 左右为难

Between a rock and a hard place 左右为难

A large crowd walk underneath 'Levitated Mass', an exhibit by artist Michael Heizer in California. Photo: Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn

Between a rock and a hard place 左右为难

当你身处于岩石与硬壁之间 between a rock and a hard place, 那么你面对棘手问题,让你左右为难或进退两难。


The massive granite rock for this exhibit weighs 340 tonnes and was slowly transported along a winding, 169km journey from a quarry in Riverside County to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Positioned above a walkway, the outdoor sculpture is designed to look as if it is floating in mid-air.

这块参展的巨型花岗岩重达340吨,从Riverside County 的一个矿场,历经169公里的路程被运送到洛杉矶郡立美术馆。这尊安装在人行通道上的室外雕塑给人一种仿佛是悬空漂浮的感觉。


Bill couldn't make up his mind what to do. He was caught between a rock and a hard place.

The interview candidates were all so good that Jenny was caught between a rock and a hard place over who to hire.

The government is stuck between a rock and a hard place over how it will make significant cuts to the budget.


短语 steady as a rock 意思是非常稳定,不可动摇, 坚如磐石

The pressure was immense, but he was steady as a rock when he took the last throw of the game.