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Big mouth 大嘴巴

Big mouth 大嘴巴

A man opens a camel's mouth wide at a camel fair in Pushkar in India. Photo: Roberto Schmidt / AFP


Thousands of camels are traded each November at the Pushkar Camel Fair in Rajasthan in India. Buyers always check a camel's teeth, as good teeth are a sign of good health.



如果有人说你是个 big mouth 或者有一张 big mouth, 那就是说你管不住自己的嘴,不能保守秘密。


Fran's got such a big mouth. She's been telling everyone that I'm engaged. I wanted to tell them myself.

Oh no, me and my big mouth! I made Alex feel upset when I mentioned his dead cat.

Don't be such a big mouth. You should learn to keep other people's problems to yourself.


短语 to bad-mouth 某人的意思就是在背后说人坏话。

She's always bad-mouthing her friends. I really don't like it.