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To blow your own trumpet 自吹自擂

To blow your own trumpet 自吹自擂

Tibetan Buddhist monks with horns and cymbals


The earliest trumpets were adapted from animal horns and sea shells, and were common throughout Europe, Africa, India and, to a lesser extent, the Middle East.



短语 blow your own trumpet 的意思就是自吹自擂、自卖自夸、大言不惭。


He's always blowing his own trumpet - it's so boring! Why can't he be more modest about his abilities?

You've got to blow your own trumpet a bit more otherwise you won't get a decent job!


短语 blow your own horn 和 blow your own trumpet 的意思相似,都有自吹自擂的意思。

Clare finds it hard to blow her own horn because she's very shy.