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Busy bee 大忙人

Busy bee 大忙人

Very busy bees


Bees' wings move very fast. They move them up and down around 200 times a second.



蜜蜂看上去繁忙不停,所以当一个人特忙的时候就可以用 as busy as a bee 来形容繁忙的状态; a busy bee 就是我们说的一个大忙人。


I've been a really busy bee this morning. I've been to the shops, paid my bills, had a haircut and even been for a run.

Frank is a real busy bee. He's always doing about five projects at once! He needs to take it easy.


另一个短语 to have a bee in your bonnet 意思就是你对某事着了迷,没完没了地谈论那件事。

He’s got a bee in his bonnet about fast cars. He talks about them all day long!