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Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 1 : If you want to be a teacher you have to be very __________; if someone doesn't understand something you have to spend time helping them get it. Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 2 : Which of the following would you NOT want your boyfriend or girlfriend to be? Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 3 : Which of the following is NOT correct? 'If you want to succeed in business you have to be __________.' Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 4 : Which of the following is the 'odd one out'? Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 5 : She's so _________, I can't remember the last time she did a day's work! Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 6 : She's the ____________ woman I know, she prefers to spend her money on other people rather than herself. Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
most tight-fisted
most generous

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词

Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词
Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词 Adjectives Describing Character 形容词